Thank you for your interest in our Barn Cat Adoption Program!

We hope you will help us save more cat lives and that the cats will help you with eco-friendly rodent control.

Below are common questions and an online application. (Don’t worry-it’s short!) We will be in touch shortly to help match you with our working cats!

Please click the button below to complete the Barn Cat Application:

Adoption FAQs

There is a $50 (+tax) fee to adopt a barn cat, this is used to help support and maintain the program.
Any cat that you adopt from us will already be spayed or neutered. Their ears will be tipped to indicate they are fixed and they will be up to date on their rabies and feline distemper combo vaccinations.
Barn cats require shelter in a barn, garage, shed, etc. in a rural area where they will be safe. They will need water and cat food on a daily basis. Ideally one’s property should be at least half a mile away from a busy road to help care for their safety.
Feral cats transferred to a new environment require a 2-4 week acclimation period to ensure they stay on the property. We will guide you through this! We will provide at no-cost a crate to borrow for the acclimation period. You will feed and water the feral cats in the cage for this short period before releasing.
This is necessary as it teaches the cat where its new home is, where the food is, who brings them the food, and it gives them a general understanding of their new home and the land that it is situated on. If the cats are not confined for this time period, it is likely that they will run off trying to find their previous home. Typically, they then get lost and are met with a sad end.
There is no crate deposit fee. Once the containment period has ended and your cat(s) is/are no longer using the crate to sleep in, please contact us so we can find a time to reclaim our crate.
We require our working cats are placed in pairs as they are more likely to stay in their new environment and to survive if partnered.
We do adopt barn cats all year long. Since most of the cats in our program already live outside, they have already built up their winter coat. We do require though, that the cats will be provided with access to an indoor shelter of sorts such as a barn, shed, garage, etc.
While you cannot specifically select the cat you would like to adopt, we will try and take any preferences you have about age, color or gender into consideration. Note that all barn cat adoptions are completed by appointment only.

If you have any questions, please call 218-632-5938 or email

Thank you to our partners whose support makes our work possible!

Helping Find Fur-ever Homes

At Wadena County Humane Society, our primary goal is to bring love and sunshine to the lives of lost and homeless animals every day. We provide them with love, hugs, care, and a safe home until they find their “fur-ever” homes.