Wadena County Humane Society

Animal Shelter in Wadena, Minnesota

Professional Care For Your Pet

Chewy for Dog’s Date Out

Friday, February 14 – Sunday, February 16

The Wadena County Humane Society (WCHS) is partnering with Chewy for Dog’s Date Out to send our pups on special dates for Valentine’s Day. Every pup date will be provided with a Valentine’s Day kit that has everything from toys and treats to water bowls and poop bags. Visit our website www.wadenacountyhumanesociety.org to select your “date” for a day (shelter pups only), and you might just find your love connection!

Dog’s Day Out days run from Friday, February 14th thru Sunday, February 16th. A day out would be great, but even half a day would greatly benefit our shelter puppers. Or a WEEKEND out is even better! Our shelter dogs are available for an overnite/nites outing as well.

To reserve your Chewy Dog’s Day Out, please note the following:

  1. Email jlovin@wadenacountyhumanesociety.org to specify:
    • the pup you would like to take on a date;
    • the day or days you would like to have your date;
    • multiple day or days out for a pup is fine;
    • if someone has already taken your pup/date, we will contact you with alternative options;
  1. If you are not already a foster, please visit our website and fill out the application to be a WCHS foster;
  2. A $50.00 foster deposit is required to take your pup on a date; it will be refunded 100% upon return from your date;
  3. A copy of your Driver’s License along with the $50.00 foster deposit is required prior to your date;
  4. WCHS is happy to provide any additional items you need for your pupper date;

You are welcome to keep the Valentine’s Day Kit after your date!

Additionally, I wanted to share the link to the Chewy website for additional information. You’ll see our shelter name on there under the state: https://www.chewy.com/education/dogsdateout

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Julie at jlovin@wadenacountyhumanesociety.org or call the WCHS shelter at 218-632-5938.

We look forward to our puppers having a great Valentine’s Day out of the shelter, if only for a few hours!

From the bottom of our pups and team’s hearts, THANK YOU!

Our Mission

Wadena County Humane Society saves the lives of companion animals, finds forever homes for forsaken pets, and advocates responsible animal guardianship in our community.

About Us

Wadena County Humane Society was founded in 1997 through the efforts of dedicated local volunteers. We accept owner surrenders, strays, and animals at risk for euthanasia at other crowded shelters when we have space. We provide medical care and behavioral support to abandoned pets. Adopted pets go home with heartworm and flea/tick preventatives, are up to date on vaccinations and microchipped.

WCHS is 100 percent independently funded -with NO relationship to the Humane Society of the United States- and relies on generous donor contributions and the love and labor of volunteers. Thank you for all you give and for every animal you save!

Please contact us with any questions or to make an appointment.

“Love WCHS. I have a dog and now a cat I adopted from there! Staff is so friendly and helpful. These people do a great thing and I’m so happy I got my two of my pets from them!”

Katie Pfeifer

“Love the way they do thier best to match the animals with a new family. Our new dog Julie is perfect for our family.”

Kaitlyn Walsh

“I would recommend Wadena Humane Society to anyone searching for a new furry family member! They have a foster home program for the animals, which is what helped us decide to adopt Max!”

Chrystal Alshatarat

Be that HERO!

Thank you to our volunteers for sharing your skills, time, and heart with the companion animals that need us most!

We Need Your Help

Lifesaving Fostering – We Need You!

Pets thrive away from the shelter, your fostering allows a pet to get away from the stress of a busy shelter and the bonus is we learn more details about the pet so we can match them more effectively with their forever home.

Dogs can be fostered as short as a single overnight – we call that a PawJama party, a weekend or string of days even better. Cats aren’t as favorable to a change in their environment so we ask that you only apply to foster a cat if you can take the cat in longer – for week(s) minimum while we continue to market the pet for adoption.

Sometimes a spare room is the only thing standing between an animal and euthanasia in an animal control facility. There’s nothing like the love and warmth of a family! Animals in foster care tend to be less stressed, better socialized, and have a lower chance of getting sick than animals in shelters.

Donate to our Emergency Fund

When you make a donation to Wadena County Humane Society (WCHS) Animal Shelter’s Emergency Medical Fund you are helping WCHS care for dogs or cats with medical conditions that require a little extra time, attention, care, and finances. Each case that comes to us is unique – orthopedic issues such as broken bones or sprains, complicated and sometimes emergency surgeries, pets with heartworm disease, and much more.

We can only help these pets due to kindness and support from the community. We can’t thank you enough for your compassion and generosity.

Your generous donation will not only enable us to provide our animals with the medical care they need, but it will also help us to meet their social and behavioral needs as well. Our work to rescue, rehabilitate, and re-home the many animals we serve in need is dependent on the generosity of our donors and supporters. We cannot do it without you!

Thank you to our partners whose support makes our work possible!

Helping Find Fur-ever Homes

At Wadena County Humane Society, our primary goal is to bring love and sunshine to the lives of lost and homeless animals every day. We provide them with love, hugs, care, and a safe home until they find their “fur-ever” homes.